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I Found Love in Sagada

Exactly 1 year after my second Sagada trip, I finally had the chance to write a blog post about it. (GOOD JOB, GELO! HAHA)

At first, I really wanted to go to Sagada just because of the movie "That thing called Tadhana". Nagmu-move-on kasi talaga ako non. My first trip to Sagada was for work. A project really close to my heart. (Please see Mj Hernandez' blogpost for this). When I finally had the chance to go to Sagada for pleasure, I am neither heart-broken or moving on. But despite the fact that I do not fall into any of those stereotypical categories of the people who usually go to Sagada, I was still captivated by the magic it possess.

So, I am sharing with you, 6 Reasons why I love Sagada.

1. The Romantically Heartbreaking Feel

Sagada gives off a very romantic feel, yet, ironically, it's heart-breaking as well. Give me a chance to explain myself on this one:

The cold weather greatly contributes on how you will feel while strolling around Sagada. The silence at night and the calmness of the the place makes you have a mixed bag of emotions that will surely leave you in awe. I'm a sucker for silent places that allow me to think, drink coffee, and write. I also like places that talks to you in many different ways, and Sagada does exactly that. It, kind of, connects to my soul through the eerily romantic and sad ambience it has.

Marlboro Mountains

Kiltepan Peak

2. The Food

As with everybody else, food plays a large part on how you will remember a place, and Sagada does not disappoint. It offers a whole array of dishes, from healthy salads to lechon kawali and mountain rice. I have not tried one of their specialties though, which is called, Etag. I will never get tired of the locally fermented yogurt mixed with fresh fruits. Another snack that you surely wouldn't want to miss is the Apple-Ham Sandwich from Yogurt House.

Sagada offers so much more food choices you can munch on, and it will always be something I look will look forward to every trip to Sagada.

Yogurt with fresh Strawberries and Banana

Lechon Kawali with Mountain Rice

3. The Wine

One night, on my first Sagada trip, we were making our way to Lemon Pie house when we came across an open gate with a table in front, and a huge jar on top of it. It caught our attention, but we were so famished that we had to skip it, but promised ourselves to drop by after eating. After filling up, we hurried out to make it in time before they close shop. AND WE DID, it was the highlight of the night. Bugnay Wine as they call it, is quite popular in the region, but THIS Bugnay wine is different from the others. For one, it is not commercially available and it is personally made by a chemical engineer local. The wine was ethereal, words won't justify how good it tastes. But to give you an idea, we downed 3 bottles that night, and bought A LOT on my second trip. That is how good it is.

Taken during my first Sagada Trip, with MJ, Ice, and the very warm sellers of the much talked about wine.

4. The Coffee 

I'm a coffee addict. There I said it. And I found one of the best coffee in Sagada. Sure, the mountain province undoubtedly offers great coffee (I'm looking at you Buscalan Coffee and Alamid Coffee) but Sagada Brew, as they call it has this unique taste and powdery texture that will get you excited for your second cup.

5. Sagada at Night

Stores are closed before 7 PM, and you, typically, own the streets after that. It is then that you will experience the true magic of Sagada. The cold breeze that gently touches your cheeks, the stars that seems to be a lot closer to you, the silence that talks to your soul, they all conspire to put you under Sagada's spell. A spell that no other place can put you in, or me, at the very least.

6. The Other Side

Sagada is not only calm and silent, it offers the other side of the coin too. It is also an adventure filled and thrilling place. From the long, tiring but definitely rewarding trek down to Bomod-ok Fall to the adreline pumping spelunking experience as you go through the Lumiang-Sumaguing cave connection. Sagada showed me the Adrenaline Junkie I never knew I had in me.

Some snaps during our spelunking before my fear disabled me from taking pictures

Majestic Bomod-Ok Falls

There are so much more to Sagada such as: Marloboro Mountains, Kiltepan Peak, and the famous sunset at Lake Danum. The six I listed are just the tip of the iceberg.

I promised myself to make at least one trip to Sagada every year. I am yet to fulfill that this year. (I already have plans for it before December). If and when I get a partner, it will be my mission to bring him to Sagada and let him fall in love with the place the way I did. ( I am yet to fulfill that partner part yet, too! HAHA!) But for now, it is Sagada that I am in love with.

L-R: Kelly, Gail, Itchie, and Kuya Ryan

From Left to Right: Kuya Ryan, Itchie, Aj, Kelly, Me, Jhovel, Mars Anna, and Gail. People that made my Sagada Trip, extra special


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