When I feel down and needs someone to talk to but can't find who's willing enough, I write. But writing was never my favorite. Even when I was still in High School, I hated answering essays and never took formal theme writing seriously (well maybe I did but just for a couple of times). But in an unexpected twist of fate I ended up as a journalism student.
That twist of fate was the very moment I wrote "AB Journalism" on a tiny balnk space labeled "Course" on a simple sheet of paper. That moment, changed my life. I was forced to (but eventually loved it) watch the news; when I only open the TV to watch cartoons and teleseryes, Read newspapers: when the only reading materials I actually read (and ejoyed) were the Harry Potter books. But because of that one moment, I realized that there are a lot more interesting things around us that we ignore just because. That one tiny little moment had a drastic effect on my life.
Where am I going with this? I just want us to treasure every moment, think twice every time we speak, deicide or even move. Because that one moment can affect our future or even define it. That we should be careful on the words that we say for they can push away someone important to us. That we should think twice or thrice before we do something that we thought was so little it won't have an effect. That once it's done we can never undo it. We can never take back the pain we've caused or act like nothing happened. We just have to accept the concequences of our decicions.
I for one is guilty of this, I often find myself overwhemled by my emotions that I lose control of myself, say things that I never meant to say, hurt people I never wanted to hurt and regret everything right after. then I am left wishing that everything will go back the way it was before. But that's not how things work, It will never be the way it was before for somehow, one tiny fragment of what you did remain. That one fragment could cost you your loved one, your family, or even your future.
I wrote this note not only for you guys but for me as well, to forever remind me of being objective. To remind me that I should always think before I act, that I should always think of the consequences of my actions and if I will be able to handle them. Life is not about that one big of a momont that you'll forever rememeber but about the combination of all those tiny moments we often forget.
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