When I feel down and needs someone to talk to but can't find who's willing enough, I write. But writing was never my favorite. Even when I was still in High School, I hated answering essays and never took formal theme writing seriously (well maybe I did but just for a couple of times). But in an unexpected twist of fate I ended up as a journalism student. That twist of fate was the very moment I wrote "AB Journalism" on a tiny balnk space labeled "Course" on a simple sheet of paper. That moment, changed my life. I was forced to (but eventually loved it) watch the news; when I only open the TV to watch cartoons and teleseryes, Read newspapers: when the only reading materials I actually read (and ejoyed) were the Harry Potter books. But because of that one moment, I realized that there are a lot more interesting things around us that we ignore just because. That one tiny little moment had a drastic effect on my life. Wh...
Food. Travel. Sports. Photography. Me.